01 Jul 2024  |   06:58am IST

Loutolim farmers to meet PWD Chief Engineer, discuss alternative alignment

Team Herald

MARGAO:  A key meeting has been convened on Monday at Altinho- Panjim, where the farmers from Loutolim, who are opposing the ongoing land acquisition proceedings for the new high-level Borim bridge and its approach roads, will convey their grievances to the PWD Chief Engineer (CE).

This meeting, scheduled for 3 pm, has been arranged by Environment Minister and local MLA Aleixo Sequeira, who is also expected to attend.

It may be that such a meeting was held last year as well, where the PWD CE had informed farmers that the department would consider finding an alternative alignment.

The farmers are opposing the selected alignment as they feel it will destroy the vast khazan fields.

Last week, they did not allow the PWD and land survey officials to carry out a demarcation exercise of the land and pointed out that the fields were under cultivation.

While an offer of compensation was made to them in the event that their fields get damaged during the demarcation exercise, the farmers are expected to take a decision after they hold a meeting with the other farmers from the village, to arrive at a consensus.

This meeting with just the farmers may take place on Tuesday. It is to be noted that the farmers have filed a petition against the bridge’s alignment before the National Green Tribunal (NGT) and have appealed against the dismissal of their objections by the Land Acquisition Office.


Idhar Udhar

Idhar Udhar