18 May 2024  |   06:32am IST

Vasco senior citizen’s murder cracked; cops nab two Andhra natives

Killers allegedly entered into 79-year-old Gayatri Marathe’s house with intention of robbery; ended up killing woman by slitting her throat after she started raising an alarm
Vasco senior citizen’s murder cracked; cops nab two Andhra natives

Team Herald

VASCO: The Vasco police managed to crack the murder case of 79-year-old Gayatri Marathe of Pixem Dongri-Kharewado, Vasco with the arrest of two persons from Andhra Pradesh. 

The police arrested Vijay Gori and Gorrella Ravindra from their native place in Andhra Pradesh. On April 21 this year, the duo allegedly entered into Marathe’s house with the intention of robbery but ended up killing the woman by slitting her throat after she started raising an alarm. 

Addressing a press conference along with SP South Sunita Sawant at Vasco on Friday, SP (Crime Branch) Rahul Gupta said that the police were able to crack the case in joint efforts by teams of Crime Branch and Vasco police station.

The Vasco police had found Marathe lying in a pool of blood inside her residence. Following a complaint by the domestic help residing in the neighbourhood, the police registered a case against unknown person/s under section 302 of IPC. The post-mortem examination report had certified the cause of death due to “Asphyxia as a result of constriction of neck vide injury No.1 and chest vide injury No. 05, in a person with Hemorrhagic shock as a result of compression of injury No. 2 and 5. Injuries present on body were fresh at the time of death”, SP Gupta informed.

During the course of investigation, the CCTV footages near the victim’s house were checked and scrutinised and the photographs and videos pertaining to the suspected accused persons were circulated across the State and other parts of country since their involvement was strongly suspected in the commission of the crime. 

Through technical surveillance the police tracked the accused and after confirming about their existence in Andhra Pradesh, a police team headed by Vasco PI Kapil Nayak and staff under the supervision Vasco DySP Santosh Dessai and SP South Sunita Sawant and Crime Branch team headed by PI Laxi Amonkar and staff under the supervision of SP (Crime Branch) were deputed to nab the two accused.

According to SP Gupta, after hectic efforts, the Crime Branch team managed to nab Vijay Laxmanna Gorli, 35 while, the Vasco police team arrested Gorrella Ravindra, 25, both natives of Kurnool district in Andhra Pradesh.

Meanwhile, the Crime Branch team returned to Goa with the accused Vijay Gorli and handed him over to the Vasco police while, the Vasco Police team was on the way back to the State with the second accused Gorrella Ravindra. Gorli was produced before the Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC), Vasco, who remanded him in seven days police custody.

During the preliminary interrogation, the accused have confessed that their motive was of robbery, which was foiled after the woman raised alarm and shouted, and in a fit of rage, the accused murdered her and fled from the spot, according to SP Gupta.


Iddhar Udhar

Iddhar Udhar