28 Feb 2023  |   07:01am IST

Opposition panchas from Varca take on VP secretary

Opposition panchas from Varca take  on VP secretary

Team Herald

MARGAO: The opposition panchas from Varca village panchayat (VP) have criticised the functioning of the ruling panchayat body and have demanded for the immediate removal of the VP’s Secretary.  They have also complained officially about the Secretary to the various government departments concerned.

The three opposition panchas, Sharon Alemao D’Costa, Joao alias Edison Rodrigues and Nora Dias e Rodrigues, accused the panchayat and Secretary of deliberately sidelining them and not sanctioning development works in their wards.

Sharon D’Costa claimed that the Secretary  also behaved arrogantly with the  panchas and that it is difficult to even get the Secretary to listen to them, as a result of which, their wards are suffering while files of real estate projects are getting cleared quickly.


Idhar Udhar

Idhar Udhar