02 Jul 2024  |   04:55am IST

Compassion is an attribute of a successful doctor

Compassion is an attribute of a successful doctor

Pio Esteves

The curtains unfold to a scene where a new hospital, ‘St Anthony Hospital’ which is set up by Dr Simon Viegas (Roseferns) is being inaugurated. Though uneducated, but carrying a lot of knowledge and experience about herbal medicine, Dr Minglu (Santano Crasto) is invited by Dr Viegas to inaugurate the new hospital. In attendance are Dr Viegas’ wife, Sylvia (Dola) and his only son, Dr Shane (Vishal Gawas).

Mother and son are upset as the hospital was inaugurated by a local illiterate practitioner, instead of a politician or a renowned physician. But Dr Viegas’ main focus is to serve the poor and the downtrodden, while Dr Shane’s intention is only to amass wealth at the cost of the patients.

Although Dr Shane is following in the footsteps of his father, Dr Viegas appoints Dr Sharmine (Carmin) as the CMO (Chief Medical Officer) of the hospital. Dr Shane is furious at his father’s decision. Meanwhile, Muriel (Jennifer), who serves as a nurse in the hospital, gets friendly with Dr Shane. She also has Nash (Baptist) as her close friend. When Nash shares about his ailing mother with Muriel, she assures him of good treatment in the hospital. But Dr Shane’s plans are different. What follows next is worth the watch during the second half.

Constantino Crasto’s 13th production ‘Sonvsar Sorg Infern’ focuses on the medical practice and the malpractices that are rampant in private hospitals today. It throws light on the bills that keep soaring after the patient is admitted to the hospital, irrespective whether the ailing is rich or poor.

Although the subject is not new, it has been well executed with a good flow. It also carries a small dose of suspense that keeps the viewers glued to their seats.

Roseferns has played the role of a doctor with ease and command. Dola as his spouse on stage is equally good, with non-fluent English over the phone. Baptist, Carmin, Jennifer and Evola have extended good support to the main cast. Vishal Gawas enacts his negative role with gusto. Elvis plays double roles and he excels in both.

For some lighter moments, there’s Prince Jacob, Ben Evangelisto, Ambe, Lino, Mario, Raymond and Risma coming together to provide laughter pills, but unfortunately they carry none. It appears that a bunch of comedians on stage have nothing much to tickle the funny bone of the audience.

In the presentation, there are some good scenes to be enjoyed by the viewers, which include the Garden of Eden and statue of St Anthony. 

In the section of songs, there’s Risma, Evola and Jennifer rendering the opening song, followed by solos from Marcus Vaz and Roseferns. There are songs from Tony de Ribandar and Jennifer, Prince Jacob and Evola, Risma and Delina, Constantino and Santano, Baptist and Santano, Dola, Jennifer, Risma and Delina. A political solo by Francis de Tuem and a song by Tony de Ribandar, Marcus Vaz and Francis de Tuem receive encore. The musicians offstage have provided good music to the songs rendered on stage.

The stage sets are by Pedro Santano and light effects are by Romeo.


Idhar Udhar

Idhar Udhar